Sunday, January 22, 2017

Matt's Message #3: The Power of the Hi

About the Hi

Imagine this: you're walking down the hall at school, church, the store, or anywhere else (whatever applies to you most) and you see someone you know. As you pass by this person you hear one word. "Hi." Or maybe it's, "Hello, how are you?" or even, "What up homeslice." How are you feeling right now? If you're like me, you're feeling pretty good.

A few days ago I was in the temple and saw a kid also named Matt that I've had a few classes with over the years at Bingham. I knew who he was and he knew who I was but in all honesty I'm not sure if we had ever even talked before. As he passed by me something completely unexpected happened. He said, "Hey Matt, what's up!?" as if we were good friends that hadn't seen each other in a few months. As you might expect, this made me feel pretty great and I instantly thought a little more highly of Matt. He just jumped from a Sam's Club muffin to a Costco muffin.

So what is it about being greeted that makes us feel good? Perhaps it's the meaning behind what we're saying. Think about it. If someone says hi to you what does that mean? Maybe it means "hey I noticed you, and you matter enough to me that I acknowledged that." What about a "Hey, how are ya?" I think it means something like, "I noticed you and I care enough about you to want to make sure everything is going okay in your life." Being said hi to definitely may mean more to one person than another, but I truly believe everyone appreciates it to some degree.

In Alma 37:6 we read, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." If saying one word to somebody isn't simple, then I don't know what is. It's crazy how easy it is; all you do is move your mouth and vibrate your vocal cords. But let me promise you something... that vocal cord vibration can work wonders. It will bring to pass great things. It can make the sad happy, it can give the depressed hope, and it can leave the happy feeling even better. It can start new friendships and lead to new opportunities. Just. Because. You. Said. Hi.

I do my best to say hi to as many people as I can. It's something that I've been working at for over a year. I can certainly still get better at it, and I've been talking to myself just as much as you in writing this post. But let me tell ya, giving the simple service of saying hi to people has changed me. It doesn't just make the person you're talking to happy; it makes you happy as well. As I've followed the example of the Savior in this way, I've come to know Him better. I've learned to serve more like He does and it's been an awesome experience.

What Can We Do About This?

  1. Say hi to someone you don't know.
  2. Text someone and ask how they're doing.
  3. Begin a habit of greeting everyone you do know.

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